voice talent and sound fx engineer wanted

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voice talent and sound fx engineer wanted


my latest film est... has been completed for a couple of months now and has been selected 'so far' for inclusion in Slamdances Anarchy, Dragon*Con and the Rome International film festival.

i have recently finished the script for my next project and am looking for voice talent and sound fx folks to help out. because i suck at it as you will see from l'amour est...

if theres anyone out there that can point me in the right direction it would be great.

my budget is of the jingly kind so no links to skywalker sound please :)

victorthroe's picture
www.EvilAsSin.com for more movies and downloads the fastest polygon in the west! YEEEEEHHHHAAAAA!

for more movies and downloads

the fastest polygon in the west!


Sound Fx

Hey Man,

I am a sound FX engineer. If distance don't make difference to u then i can help u out with Sound FX. What say??


voice talent!

hello there. I am interested in doing voices if you are still in need of them. e-mail me at [email] and we'll talk. =)

Voice Talent Wanted

I'm not sure where you are, but if it's possible to work something out, I'm available for voice-over or character voice work.

email me at rtarrant - at - sympatico.ca

-Ron T.

:) hey... I e-mailed you but never got a reply as of yet... I'm not impatient, I'm just wondering whether I got the e-mail right or not. anyways... get back to me ASAP. thank you.

- Tinker

Hey Victor, I think you can also try using http://voice123.com/ to find your voice, let me know.