"Mission to Titan" - Online Animation Competition for Primary / Secondary Schools

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"Mission to Titan" - Online Animation Competition for Primary / Secondary Schools

Schools get ready for lift off...
Mission to Titan starts in September

You are challenged to dream up and develop a story about your own mission to Titan. You can design your own spacecraft, build characters and crew members, create alien worlds and creatures, and tell the story of your mission in a short animation.

The animation you create must not be longer than five minutes, so you have to think about how to tell your story in a comprehensive but concise way. You don't have to cover the whole journey in your animation, and can concentrate on an interesting episode if you prefer.

The most important factor is that your story is imaginative and gripping, and that you manage to tell it in moving images which give us a glimpse of what it looked like and what happened to you on Titan.

Completely Online

Pupils create artwork, collaborate and animate live in FluxTime Studio, the online animation environment for children from 4 to 14 years.

Competition Terms

* The competition is for primary and secondary schools only.
* Participating pupils must be 4 to 14 years old (KS1, KS2, KS3).
* Schools can send in up to three animation clips per key stage.
* A jury will select three winning animation clips per key stage.
* Winners will receive one year free school membership.
* The best animations will be shown in an online exhibition.

All entries must be submitted by FluxMail to until Friday, 10th February 2006.

For more information visit http://www.fluxtime.com/titan.php