How do i start?

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How do i start?

Hi Gents

Im looking to make an inimation movie ( 150 min ) such as toy story movie. I have story , sound of the artists..etc BUT im looking for a good company which can make the movie for me.

I wonder how could i start? and the most important thing is that HOW MUCH A MOVIE LIKE THAT COULD COST ME ?


lol in short alot.

id say people are going to want at least $20 an hour and you may have to hire alot of them to have your movie completed in less than a year.

Hi Gents

Im looking to make an inimation movie ( 150 min ) such as toy story movie. I have story , sound of the artists..etc BUT im looking for a good company which can make the movie for me.

I wonder how could i start? and the most important thing is that HOW MUCH A MOVIE LIKE THAT COULD COST ME ?


A 150 minute movie 3D animated movie will cost you around $10,000,000.00--that's 10 Million dollars.

Only 5 mill if you want a cheap piece of crap, and upwards of $50 million if you want something really good looking.
Those numbers are dead serious.
Also, no point making the movie without a distributor--which you'll have to arrange the deal for.

Some how I doubt you'll have that kind of coin lying around, eh?

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

dont pay any attention to Ken. he dosent know anything.

what you need to do is play the lottery. religiously.

dont pay any attention to Ken. he dosent know anything.

what you need to do is play the lottery. religiously.

Or you could wait for a rich Aunt to die.

A VERY rich Aunt.

Or plant $50 in the ground and see if a money tree with grow in the soil in your area....

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

You should first storyboard your movie then start pitching to different companies. If they like it the may fund it.


RFI - your proposed 150 min movie

Further to your proposed 150 min movie I would like to say following......

1) Will this movie be for a home video release or cinema release? Which is the target market?
2) What quality animation are you looking for A/B+/B. and 2d or 3d?
3) Where are you located? Are you open to outsource this project to the third world countries like India? This will allow you complete the project at a lower budget.
4) How much budget you have? Who will fund this project?
5) What will be the revenue model / ROI model of this 150 min movie? This is very important ****
6) What timeframe?
7) Who will prepare the a) requirement specifications of the project b) budget estimate? You yourself, any marker research agency or any other studio which will execute the production work?
8) I assure you, it won't be as expensive as $10 m (USD) if you have good business understanding.

We would certainly be interested in working with you. We are India based animation studio producing world class quality. I'll not speak much about our quality.... Our show reel will speak out. Actions speak louder then words !!!!!!!!!

Some of our credits....

Kindly get in touch with me For further communication, use this email id for convenience.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sagar Deshpande
Jingle Toons (India)

Kind Regards,
Sagar D. Deshpande
Business Development Team
Jingle Toons Animation (India)
Ph: +91-240-2244191