Here's my student film...
It took me a year to do... 6months for the pre-prod...6months for the post-prod... and about a bathtub full of coffee. :D
Please let me know what you think of it.
Here's the link:http://www.glitchfest.com/site/index.php?language=En&pageId=22&parentId=12&moduleId=15&input=167
c'est SUPER..
les couleurs sont geniales!
est ce qu'il y a de la troisd la dedans ou c'est tout fais a la main.
l'intro est super..l'anim vraiment elegante...l'ensemble leger et merveilleusement ludique!
Wow, that's pretty sweet. I love the style and everything. And the end was so cool. hehe.
Website http://dapper-dandy.com
Cartoon Syndicate project
haha. thats cool.
awesome characters. I like the really short little bug eyed penguin.
the animation is pretty nice as well.
"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo
Too Cute E m Z! Penguins are AWESOME!! I really like how it's pretty random and fun to watch.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
WOW nice job!
why haven't more people commented?! it's brilliant. BRILLIANT!
Website http://dapper-dandy.com
Cartoon Syndicate project
Fantastic !! Very good animation !! :D
nice job i like the animation quite a bit. :D
Ow... Thank you all for commenting, it's ecouraging I think.
I whish I had time to make another one... but this time with a better storyboard... ahem... :p
I should have said this sooner, but good work. Did Madagascar have any influence in your work?
Thanks a lot... but no madagascar wasn't even out at the time... But my penguins are nothing compared to theirs!...
That was great!! Wonderful animation and adourable characters. And I loved the ending :D
Well done, man. :cool: I was somewhat annoyed by the penguins talking like The Cheat during the end credits though. :(
Order my book Jesus Needs Help on Amazon or download on Kindle.
You can also read the first 18 pages of my next book for free at this link: The Hap Hap Happy Happenstance of Fanny Punongtiti
Wow! That's really good! I love the expressions on the penguins, and the depth in the scenes is amazing. Did you use a 3D model for the sign-post?