My latest website...used to be

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My latest website...used to be

Hey guys,
we just launched our newest site! Its been a long and arduos undertaking but I think it turned out really great. I also released my first new toon..."thooperman." let me know what you think! :D
it still hasn't hit me that i finally went live with it..

straitjackettuxedo's picture
I've come here to do two things: chew bubblegum and kick ass...and im all out of bubblegum. :mad:

I've come here to do two things: chew bubblegum and kick ass...and im all out of bubblegum. :mad:

sorry man...weak.

but but...why?

you didnt like it? Well at least gimme a clue as to why or what you didnt like about it. help out man...critique dont just say you dont like it... :rolleyes:

I've come here to do two things: chew bubblegum and kick ass...and im all out of bubblegum. :mad:

the butter was nice!

Well, as you already know, the site looks fantastic. The intro was sweet and the actual layout has a playful and original vibe to it. Some designers might complain about the bright colors, but I understand the look and feel you were going for. Nice job.

The butter melting away before the tour was wickedly sick.