I hope it never comes to the point where new animators feel initimated to try to animate and show their stuff here based on whether or not their stuff is broadcast quality. I think there should always be a place here for new animators and web animators who work under more stringent file size restrictions that broadcasters don't have to adhere to.
Not a criticism of AWN, in fact just trying to add some new discussions to the board to distract from all the spam that has been posted lately.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I think the deciding factor when judging newbies' artwork around here is "Do they show talent?" and "Are they serious about it?". There's a certain professionalism in that as well. Nobody likes loudmouths strolling in, telling everyone they want to give animation a shot based on some idée fixe they had a couple of weeks ago and pester people with inane questions about schools and their weak scribbles. Real talent and determination will show and be greeted accordingly.
Yeah, I always go back to Gabe, he started out pretty raw, but he really has progressed in some of the work he's presented. It's not broadcast quality yet, but he keeps working towards his goal.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
well I say anyone should be welcome to post, regardless of talent. Who are we to dictate or judge who is sincere and who isnt? People come here to learn :D
My sketch thread
As one who has yet to show is work, I have felt welcomed. I think that Jabberwocky, phacker, and thee_nethken are all right about how thing work here as well as how they should.