I'm attempting to create my first lip-sync and have drawn my character front, side & 3/4 views. I'm using the comp system to lip-sync and have created 7 separate mouth positions for the front. I'm having a REALLY hard time figuring out how to create a profile and 3/4 view of the mouth positions. Any tips, suggestions? I'm doing it in flash and have created a separate layer with lines to line up the jaw, mouth, etc, but it's still not helping.
comp system turn-arounds
By wallywood77 | Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at 3:16pm
comp system turn-arounds
Thanks, DSB--but...I got it! When it's a bit more polished, I'll post some shots for ya.
Show us what ya got so far, Wally. It'll be easier to make suggestions if we can see the character and mouths you have.