Export/print Monkeyjam xsheet - pls help?

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Export/print Monkeyjam xsheet - pls help?

Hi guys, I love MonkeyJam and have been using it for all the pencil tests on my final film for uni this year. Only now that I need to hand over some animation to group members, I need to give them the xsheet, which is in MonkeyJam.

I tried to print it both on paper and as a pdf, but it only prints the first image of each layer (when there are heaps more underneath, like in the image below). I tried selecting all the objects in all the layers, but it still doesn't seem to work.

This is what the xsheet looks like in the program...

and this is the printout....

Does anyone know how to fix this at all? It would certainly make things easier to just print instead of having to draw them out by hand again.
Hope you might help.


I don't know MonkeyJam, but could you do a screen capture of each x-sheet page and print it out that way? I know it's a bit ghetto, but it should work.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Some of them get rather long, but that seems to be the next best option anyway. Thanks!