Animation Portfolio Workshop new website

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Animation Portfolio Workshop new website

We have a new website up and running that has some interesting things to offer......

Student portfolios, program descriptions and a page of video interviews, are just a part of what we've added to our new site.

Please drop in and pay us a visit at:

Gerard Sternik / Director / Animation Portfolio Workshop

APW on Canadian Animation Blog

The Canadian Animation Blog has recently devoted an entry to all things Animation Portfolio Workshop on their site.....

Thanks for the plug CAB!

Apw Win a Free Tuition Character Design Contest Winner

Jim Zubkavitch, Co-ordinator of the Seneca College Animation Program has chosen the winner of the [URL= APW Character Design Contest.
[/URL]Jim agreed to act as the judge of this year's contest.

Maisie Li of Toronto was chosen as our first prize winner this year (see attached image for an example from Maisie's character design submisssion for the contest).

Stay tuned for more examples from this year's winning contestants!

Pro tip # 3 awp win a free tuition contest

Here's the link to the 3rd in our series of Pro Tips for our free tuition contest.

Saud Boksmati one of our former students, who now works as a professional animator / designer is responsible for providing this great tip.
...take a look, it will prove quite helpful in improving all your character design projects:


Happy drawing.

Pro tip #4 apw win a free tuition contest

Here's the link and complete visuals for Pro Tip #4 in the Animation Portfolio Workshop Win A Free Tuition Contest:


We have Justice Wong to thank for this weeks tip.....

Justice is an APW grad student, a graduate of Emily Carr Institute of Art as well as the Vancouver Film School.

He is currently active in Hong Kong as a professional character designer.

Thanks for your help Justice!

APW Interview with Animation Career Review

Vince Peets and I ( APW Workshop Directors ) were recently interviewed by the Animation Career Review.

The online article is posted here:

APW Directors interview

We were asked some interesting questions about why we started our program and given an opportunity to comment on the current state of portfolio prep in high schools and art fundamentals programs.

Enjoy the read!

APW Character Design Challenge is Back!!

This is an open invitation to take a challenge - starting on Monday November 19th 2012, we'll be uploading a new gesture drawing each day for 14 days.

The challenge is to take each day's gesture drawing and use it as an inspirational starting point to design a character.

14 days, 14 gesture drawings, 14 character designs. From Mon. Nov. 19 to Mon. Dec. 3 a new gesture drawing at 9am each morning.

For the facebook users - you can find each day's gesture drawing on the APW facebook page

Or, you can find the daily gesture drawing uploaded on this blog post the APW website

Share your drawings on our facebook page or email them to:

We'll try to post as many as we can on our blog.

Happy drawing!

Animation Portfolio Workshop on YouTube

Animation Portfolio Workshop now has its own channel on youtube.

Please stop in and visit the new APWnetwork at:

You'll find some interesting video footage featuring Workshop students, parents of Workshop students and friends of the Workshop, all sharing their experiences.
Of special interest are interviews with Larry Diflorio, former Coordinator of the Seneca Animation Arts Program, as well as Brian Lemay, former Coordinator of the Sheridan Classical Animation Program, and current instructor in the Seneca Animation Arts Program.

Gerard Sternik / Director / Animation Portfolio Workshop

Animation portfolio workshop information session at sheridan col

There will be another public information presentation about the upcoming Animation Portfolio Workshop session that starts up on Saturday May 1 2010.

The public information meeting will be held at Sheridan College Trafalgar Campus in the Art Fundamentals Department on Wednesday April 14 2010 from 11am to 12pm in room A-107.

Vincent Peets, Director of the Animation Portfolio Workshop, will be giving this presentation, and will be available to answer questions.

Former Workshop students will also be present with their portfolios to help students attending this session to get a better understanding of what it takes to make a successful animation school entry level portfolio.

Gerard Sternik / Director
Animation Portfolio Workshop


Animation portfolio review at sheridan college

Animation Portfolio Workshop will be holding an animation portfolio review for students who submitted portfolios to get into animation school this year.
The session will be held at Sheridan College Trafalgar Campus this Wednesday April 21, 2010 in room A-107 from 11am to 12 noon.

Students are invited to show up with the animation portfolio submissions that they used to apply to animation school for a quick review.
Feedback about the portfolios will be provided by Vince Peets Director of the Animation Portfolio Workshop program as well as a selection of Workshop grads who are currently in the animation program at Sheridan.

All are welcome!

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Portfolio Workshop International

Please stay tuned to our new website...

We have introduced the Portfolio Workshop International program as part of our regular offerings to international students, and we are going to chronicle the day to day progress of our current international student on our website.

We will include day to day visual documentation of our student’s progress, as well as interviews with her, and daily diary postings about her experiences in the program.
Hopefully this will prove helpful to other international students looking to get into animation school.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Portfolio Workshop International

Please follow this link to get to the daily blog entries and images from our current PWI student Ran Jing:

I will also be posting my comments on Ran's development and experiences on a day to day basis as well.
Please feel free to add your comments.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Nice website for animation's work..
Accountant Jobs
Accounting Jobs

Animation Portfolio Workshop now has its own channel on youtube.

Please stop in and visit the new APWnetwork at:

You'll find some interesting video footage featuring Workshop students, parents of Workshop students and friends of the Workshop, all sharing their experiences.
Of special interest are interviews with Larry Diflorio, former Coordinator of the Seneca Animation Arts Program, as well as Brian Lemay, former Coordinator of the Sheridan Classical Animation Program, and current instructor in the Seneca Animation Arts Program.

Gerard Sternik / Director / Animation Portfolio Workshop

yes you right i have checked it out Animation Portfolio Workshop has its own channel on youtube.

APW Accepted Portfolios

Hi folks...

I 'm going to post links to a number of our 2011 - 2012 student portfolios that were accepted into various animation schools this year.

Let's start with Kevin Oh......

Kevin applied to the Ringling School of Animation, Seneca Animation, and the Sheridan College Bachelor of Animation program and was accepted into all of the programs with the portfolio linked to below:

Kevin Oh animation portfolio

Gerard Sternik / Director

APW Voted One of Top 100 Animation Schools in the World

I am very pleased to announce that the Animation Portfolio Workshop has been voted one of the top 100 animation schools in the world by the Animation Career Review website.

Please see link below:

Animation Portfolio Workshop voted one of top 100 Animation schools in the world

On behalf of all of us at the Workshop, we wish to thank the Animation Career Review, for their vote of confidence. :)

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Sheridan Animation Portfolio

Here's a nice portfolio from Alexanne Boissonneau, one of our students from the 2011 / 2012 Workshop.

Alexanne applied to get into the Sheridan College animation program, and was successful with this Sheridan animation portfolio

Well done Alexanne!

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Animation portfolio workshop fall 2010 session

Hi Folks....

We were planning to skip doing a Fall Workshop this year and just leave the Workshop as an annual event that would register once a year in the Spring.

However, we've been getting lots of inquiries from students wanting to have a Fall Session for 2010.
So we've decided to plan a Fall Workshop with the provision that the session will run based on sufficient enrollment.

Please visit the link below for exact information about the dates of the proposed session and registration details if you're interested in the course.


Gerard Sternik / Director
Animation Portfolio Workshop

How soon would we know if there was sufficient enrollment?

Fall session animation portfolio workshop

How soon would we know if there was sufficient enrollment?

Hi David.

In order to know if there is a sufficient number of students enrolled, we are encouraging prospective students to get on our radar by saying in effect - "yes, I will sign up for a Fall Session" asap.

I think we would be willing to wait until the mid to late August as a cut off point to decide if there are enough students to run a session.
Right now, it looks good for having a fall class....
We have 1/3 of the full compliment of students that we usually get in the Spring Workshop that have committed to a Fall session.
We'll run the Workshop with 2/3'rds of our usual class size......

By getting a commitment from students asap, we know if we can make it a go.
If you think you want to do this David, you should indicate your willingness to join now, and then that way we're one student closer to getting it to run.

I hope this answers your question.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can prove to be of any more help to you.



Fall session 2010 animation portfolio workshop

Hi Folks.

I 've decided that I'll contact all of the students who have put their names on the waiting list for the prospective Fall 2010 session early in the week of August 16th, in regards to as whether or not the class will run.

We have enough students to run the session as of this week, but I wish to make absolutely certain that everyone's on the same page in terms of class scheduling etc, before I commit.

Keep you posted.....

Gerard Sternik / Director

It's official - there will be a fall 2010 session

Hi Folks.

There will be a Fall 2010 Session, starting up on September the 18th 2010.

The course is currently 3/4's full, so if you are thinking of signing up , then you are best to drop me a line at:

so that we can start up the registration process.

Hope to see you on the 18th.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

I am invited to show up with the animation portfolio submissions that they used to apply to animation school for a quick review.

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Animation Portfolio Workshop Inaugural Podcast

I have to say...I am really impressed with this internet offering that we've made available for prospective students of animation programs and people interested in the animation industry and animation schools in general.

We have long discussed producing a series of podcasts about what's required to get into an animation program, from the point of view of the people who run these programs, teach in them, etc.

We have finally started to do this, and our first podcast is a 5 part series featuring a conversation between myself, Gerard Sternik, and the Co-ordinator of the Seneca Animation Arts Program Jim Zubkavich.

Jim and I go into some detail discussing what he is looking for in the portfolios that come across his desk from the many students wishing to join the Seneca Animation Program.

The topic is a fascinating one and should prove enlightening for everyone trying to put a portfolio together for animation school......

Here's the links to the 5 podcasts on youtube:

Take your time, listen carefully, and enjoy the insights and information offered by Jim Zubkavich, Co-ordinator of the Seneca Animation Arts Program.

Thanks again Jim for making yourself available for the interview.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Animation Portfolio Workshop now uses Google translator

We finally offer our entire website in multiple languages thanks to Google translator.

Please have a peek and give it a whirl.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Helpful post from our website

Vincent Peets, my Co Director in the Animation Portfolio Workshop has posted a very helpful article on the basics of what's required in an entry level animation portfolio.

You'll find The abc's of an Animation Portfolio very concise and to the point with regards to the basics of what you'll have to put in that portfolio your piecing together to land you in the school of your choice.


Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Spring Session

Hi Folks.

I've posted a link here for info on our upcoming Spring Session.
Simply click here:

Animation Portfolio Workshop

We had some very nice portfolios from last session's students that we'll be posting on the site as soon as we can get all the material organized.
We'll keep you posted!

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop Fall 2011 Session

Hi folks.

We just kicked off the 2011/ 2012 Fall session of the Workshop on the 17th and 18th of September and I thought it would be fun to post some pics here that were taken of the new session for your viewing pleasure.

Visit Fall 2011 / 2012 session for a peek.

We've started to register students for the 2012/ 2013 Spring session already, and for those of you who are on the waiting list for the 2011 Fall session, you may have to be bumped to starting up in the Spring of 2012.

We'll keep you posted.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

The 14 Day Character Design Challenge

Here is something fun for character designers and students of character design to take part in....

Our Director Vince Peets came up with this idea, and I like it.
It's called the 14 Day Character Design Challenge, and here's how it goes....

Each day, from October 24th to November 7th, a new shape will be posted on the Animation Portfolio Workshop Facebook page.

Designers are invited to visit our Facebook page each day at 9am Toronto time, and take the "shape of the day" as the starting point for a new character design.
Then the new character design can be posted back up on our Facebook page for all to see and enjoy.

With each new shape of the day, a new character design emerges

Take a look at a page from our site with details on the 14 Day Character Design Challenge

Good Luck!

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

14 Day Character Design Challenge

Here's some examples from the 14 day character design challenge that have come in over the last week on our face book page.



More Character Designs

Here's a few more from the 14 Day Character Design Challenge



14 day character design challenge

A big thanks to Vince Peets, Director of the Animation Portfolio Workshop, for filming the character design tutorial that Fai V won for submitting work to the 14 day character design challenge.

Vince set up the character design contest on the Animation Portfolio Workshop facebook page

If you're a character design student, drawing student, or a student getting a portfolio together to apply for an animation program, you'll benefit from taking a peek at the video tutorial that Vince has put together.

Visit the Animation Portfolio Workshop website to view the video clip here:

Character Design Session

I'll rustle up a few more examples of work from the contest and post them here for your viewing pleasure.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Animation Portfolio Workshop at the ROM

Here are some nice photos that my Co-Director Vince Peets took of our students drawing animals at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto:

Animation Portfolio Workshop at the ROM

We take our students to the ROM twice a year to build up work for their animation school portfolios.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Portfolio Workshop International

We've just posted the work from one of our Portfolio Workshop International students on our site.

You can see the work of Rajesh Pai from the time he spent working with us in the summer of 2011 by visting the Portfolio Workshop International blog.

Hope you enjoy it.

Gerard Sternik / Director

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Animation Portfolio Workshop 2015 Spring Session

Happy New Year!

Registration has begun for the upcoming 2015 Spring Session of the Workshop.

please visit:

for more detailed info.

Happy Drawing!