nesting wont play armature parts- CS5.5

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nesting wont play armature parts- CS5.5

macbook pro- Flash CS5.5

I am nesting a pose sequence in a graphic symbol and placing it on the main timeline. I set the instance to "play once- frame 1" in the looping option property.

two problems:

A. It plays just the body movement, not the head. if u go inside of the graphic symbol to the pose armature sequence- the body is set to "play once- frame 111" in the "looping option property", the head is set to "play once- frame 716" in the "looping option property." they both play here inside the symbol editor, but only the body cooperates on the main timeline. when i publish a swf. it all looks great. when i export pngs, jpgs, all the poses get tweeked, move position, etc.

B. If i fip this symbol on the main timeline, sometimes it messes with the armature in certain poses and throws a body part out of wack. any suggestions would rock!


does anyone know why certain "pose sequence objects (like a nose on a face thats on a pose layer in a sequence of poses. it gets flip flopped when i export to png? or sometimes i see it in Flash. CPU issues?? macbook pro: 2.53 intel duo core- 4g ram.

If you have already check the forums that support the software you are using and see that no one else is having that issue, I can think of only one thing.

You may need to reinstall the software and make sure uninstall it first. I have heard that some software issues have been solved by deleting the preference files but do not delete anything until you have had a talk with software support.

A couple things I can think it might be...

1. Maybe you created the symbol originally as a "movie clip" then later changed it to a "graphic" and it's creating a conflict.

2. You tweened the keys at some point and had them sync'd but the first key was set to a different frame number, and that's messing things up.

3. And this is the most likely. You are using Flash CS5 on a Mac. The Mac version of Flash has always been buggy. Well buggy-ER than the windows version, and I've heard that CS5 is just plane buggy as frak across the board.

Hopefully that helps you out.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."