I just joined the Animation World Network and I'd love your feedback. Everyone on here seems really helpful. I made my first video with an animated story. Would love your feedback! I"m also looking for lead animator to join our team if you know anyone that might be interested.
Pilot video with animated story (comedy) - My first video using puppet animation
By Crazylegs1023 | Friday, May 26, 2017 at 8:09am
Pilot video with animated story (comedy) - My first video using puppet animation
Hey great stuff! It's personal and ancedotal, so it's very clear how the story is very significant to you and your family!
I like how after the story you go into more depth about your uncle and his story, which is sweet.
My only suggestion is that next time, to keep the beginning a bit shorter and perhaps transfer some of that stuff to after the animation, so that we can get to the entertaining meat faster but then because of this personal story, people would want to stay more for the emotional details. Well at least that is how I feel from a culturally different perspective.
But yeah keep it up!
Thanks so much for the kind words. I agree with a lot fo what you're saying. We've started on story #2 and will probably take a lot of that into account. Hopefully you'll enjoy the second story as well.
Appreciate the advice.