I know how selfish this sounds to be asking for people to do something so hard for free but I am desperate. To view the campaign click here. I need someone to create a short one minute animatic for the kickstarter video. I would also love help with some concept art. I know that I should do it myself but I am so busy with the animation studio and voice actors.
The project is called Misery Loves Company and is about two friends called Charles and Benedict.
What is Misery Loves Company you ask, it's the complex story of two friends, one who is evil and one who is good. It makes you wonder what is good, and what is bad, because everyone is just one bad day before they turn for the worst. If there were three words to sum up the show they would be dark, complex and sad, don't be worried though there is a great deal of funny moments buried within the show.
If you want a taster of what the show will be like click this link to view the first draft of episode one's script. Tell us what you think by writing a comment on this Kickstarter page! Remember this is the first draft and if the project is successful the animation's script will be written by a professional!
P.S the script I attached is terrible, click here instead.