Academy Sends Animation Teaching Kits To 18,000 Schools

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has produced its fifth high school teaching kit to promote understanding and appreciate the art of animation. The kit is being mailed to 18,000 high schools throughout the United States will all production and distribution-related costs to be paid by the Academy.

The kits were produced by Youth Media International Ltd., of Easton, Connecticut, with direct input from animators who are members of the Academy. "This program is one important element of the Academy's overall efforts in support of film scholarship and literacy," said Academy associate executive administrator Mikel Gordon. "We've done four of these kits in recent years, and, given the positive feedback we receive from the schools each year, we are thrilled to do it again."

The instructional guide, entitled CREATING MOVEMENT FRAME BY FRAME, is geared toward students in secondary school English, language arts, visual arts and communications courses. The guide contains four activities called "The Origins of Animation," "Drawing Movement," "Imagining Action" and "Learning from the Best." Each activity underscores valuable lessons in critical thinking, helps students become more visually literate and understand the animator's contributions to the filmmaking team.

Additional information about this program and contents of this year's and previous years teaching kits can be found on the Academy's Website at
