In livestreamed keynote, Sébastien Deguy discusses new software features that improve workflow and capabilities of 3D and VFX artists.
Adobe has announced a series of updates to Substance Designer and Substance Painter as part of last Wednesday's Substance Day keynote. In his livestreamed presentation, Adobe VP 3D & immersive, Sébastien Deguy, discussed changes that improve the workflow and capabilities of 3D and VFX artists. A summary of the near future of Substance includes the following:
Node creation shortcuts in Substance Designer:
- One of the most requested features from users, these shortcuts enable designers to create nodes efficiently, enhancing designers’ experiences creating 3D materials.
- Attach a key to atomic nodes, and other usual favorites, as well as adding personal nodes. Spend less time on finding nodes in the menus means more time to focus on that speck of dust that doesn’t look just right.
A MaterialX implementation in Substance Designer: MaterialX is an open source system for unifying shading and CG look setups across markets and industries and includes the following:
- Develop procedural shaders and textures in parallel
- Create advanced shaders for Substance Painter, with features such as detail maps and procedural masks, changeable at runtime
- Match shader features from your game engine or VFX pipeline in the Substance Designer and Substance Painter viewport
A revamped texture exporter in Substance Painter:
- The updated exporter offers more control to artists, enabling shared common parameters across texture sets and exports of mesh with displacement and tessellation.
In addition, today Adobe released Substance Source Parametric Decals:
- An effective way to add isolated details to a model without having to incorporate them directly into the main model or main texture maps.
- Cracks, patches, impacts, tags, and leaks will bring that detail and break the uniformity of a surface. And they are all fully parametric, meaning there’s no need any more to find a trick to hide the repetition of the same crack 20 times across a wall.
- Each decal from the collection is parametric and was created using Substance Designer. making them even more powerful as each asset is really a generator of an infinite number of variations of itself.
You can find information on all recent Substance development by visiting the Substance by Adobe website.
Source: Adobe