- The AAI Summer Catalog Has Been Updated - The American AnimationInstitute, the educational branch of M. P. S. C. Local 839 IATSE, hasupdated its catalogue and class schedule for the Summer Semester2001, which runs from May 15 through August 22. The AAI's Web page isat http://www.awn.com/MPSC839/AAICATLG.HTM, and the Summer 2001 schedule is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format at http://www.awn.com/MPSC839/AAICAT.pdf.
- New Festival Poster for SAFO 01 - The 2001 OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ANIMATION FESTIVAL (SAFO 01) has announced their new officialfestival poster. Mark your calendar and make your plans to attendthe event this coming October 18-21, 2001 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- The Toronto Animated Image Society's Upcoming Events - OnWednesday, April 25, 2001, the Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS)presents an open screening. Come show us your stuff!: Anyone (membersand the general public) can come and show their animated movies (old,new, finished, in progress, independent, commercial, whatever!) toour appreciative audience. As long as it's animated, we'll show it!The event will take place at 8 pm, Cinecycle, 129 Spadina Ave. Rear,down the alleyway, (between Richmond and Adelaide Streets). Admissionis CA$5.00. TAIS members get in free. Memberships will be availableat the door. Also, on Monday, April 30, 2001, TAIS will hold itsAnnual General Meeting. Another year has passed and it's time for ourAnnual General Meeting. Come and hear reports from the Treasurer andPresident and participate in the election of our new Board ofDirectors. They need your input! The event will take place at 8 pm,Room 308, Metro Hall, 55 John Street. Sorry, TAIS members only.Everyone who is interested please e-mail Patrick Jenkins atpjenkins@interlog.com, or call him at (416) 533-2440.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.