Directed by Carlos Andre Stevens, CG animated short features the voice of Academy Award nominee John Hurt and Eloise Webb, who played Lily James’ young counterpart in Disney’s live-action ‘Cinderella’ remake.
Pixel Veil Productions has made available online its newest short animated film, The Alchemist’s Letter, a richly inventive and visually stunning dark fairy tale from director Carlos Andre Stevens.
The Alchemist’s Letter features the voice of Academy Award nominee John Hurt and up-and-coming young actress Eloise Webb, who played Lily James’ young counterpart in Disney’s live-action Cinderella remake that was released in March.
The Alchemist’s Letter follows the story of Veridian, a young man estranged from his late father, an alchemist named Nicolas (Hurt). When Veridian receives his inheritance, he is exposed to the ill-fated reality that his father built a tumultuous gold-making machine powered by his own memories. The film takes viewers on an enchanted journey through the vessels of the machine in exploration of the contents of the alchemist’s most precious memories, all in an attempt to give Veridian one last life lesson and save his relationship with his daughter (Webb) from following down the same fateful path.
Winning numerous awards for his commercial work, Stevens currently works out of LAIKA spinoff HouseSpecial. He also directed the animated short film Toumai, which was a Student Academy Award finalist in 2008.
Source: Pixel Veil Productions