Animation Collective will collaborate with Mirage and 4Kids Entertainment to create the online programming component to the new TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES television series. Although the exact plans for the site are a closely guarded secret, Animation C ollective promises a site that will allow visitors to experience the Turtle's subterranean lair, learn more about the characters and check out sneak previews. Although Mirage already hosts an existing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Website, the new site wil l focus on the television show and have the same dark and edgy feel of the new television series. According to Animation Collective CEO Larry Schwarz, "We want the site to be different from everything else out there -- to really give people the experience of being inside the show. We're going to put visitors right into the Turtle's world...right into the sewer!" He's quick to add, "But it's a very cool sewer!" Animation Collective, with locations in New York and Los Angeles, creates Flash-based animation for television, the Internet and home video. Most recently, Animation Collective was responsible for creating Websites, online programming and games for, as well as for several of the network's shows such as ULTRAMAN, FIGHTING FOODONS and UL TIMATE MUSCLE. Their animators have been involved in projects for Rumpus, Sesame Workshop, Zeeks and Scholastic. The new television series' site will be