Digital Musings From the Editor:

Reaction within the industry to Disneys $7.4 billion acquisition of Pixar has been very positive so far, and was even was the talk of last nights VFX Bake-Off at the Academy. Two very dynamic companies getting stronger, was echoed by many, with the hope that Pixar can remain Pixar while helping to reinvigorate Disney animation. Speaking of the Bake-Off, all of the reels looked outstanding, with REVENGE OF THE SITH and KING KONG solidifying their chances for nomination and THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, WAR OF THE WORLDS and HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE battling it out for the third spot.

At VFXWORLD, meanwhile, we focus on previs once again, starting off with a survey of half a dozen prominent indie companies and a report on previs in animation and how it differs from live action.

Bill DesowitzEditor

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Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.