Digital Musings From the Editor:

VFXWorld focuses on gaming this month, with GDC behind us and E3 right around the corner. But before diving into our GDC coverage and other hot vfx topics related to gaming, Karen Raugust answers the burning question, "What's Up With Wireless?" There is a lot of potential for 3D gaming and other animated content, and Raugust examines how the foreign markets are evolving and why the U.S. continues to lag behind.

Meanwhile, HELLBOY opened at the top of the box office chart last weekend, and Henry Turner recently caught up with the filmmakers to discuss fascinating influences and techniques. Not only is there an obligatory tip of the hat to Ray Harryhausen (who, incidentally, will be in town later this month to promote his new book, AN ANIMATED LIFE, including a special appearance April 20 at Gnomon School of Visual Effects), but much deeper references to H.P. Lovecraft as well.

Bill DesowitzEditor

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Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.