Seven European animation companies have joined to form a company called theEuropean Animation Group, although its name is likely to change. The grouphopes to produce a minimum of one animated feature or series per year,beginning in 2001 with its first feature, the $15 million ELFQUEST, set togo into production in January 2000. The announcement was made at MIPCOMheld October 4 - 8 in Cannes, France. European Animation Group bringstogether seven companies. From France, the partners areJoinville-le-Pont-based GTC, one Europe's leading labs and a specialist indigital technology; Grenoble and Paris-based Project Images Films, amultimedia production company, which has already produced the animatedfeature AARON'S MAGIC VILLAGE; and Paris-based Sceneries Europe, a filmproduction company. German input comes from Munich-based Das Werk, whichdoes high-end commercial and film post-production; and Munich-based TrixterFilm, founded by animation director Michael Coldewey, which produced the 3Deffects for the recently completed HEAVY METAL F.A.K.K.2. The Spanishpartners are Indice Multimedia, multimedia specialists, and Storyboard,which has experience in TV production and 3D computer graphics. EuropeanAnimation Group will be headquartered in Dusseldorf, with the companyjointly headed and managed by Philippe Lenglet (Sceneries), Joachim Sturmes(Das Werk) and Jorge M. Reverte (Storyboard). The group has twelve projectsin development. Half of the production financing will be raised in Europe,with the rest coming from the US and international sales. Sceneries Intl.will sell the films and series internationally, and the partners will beresponsible for raising investment and handling rights in their ownterritories. The first project, ELFQUEST, is based on the graphic novels ofWendy and Richard Pini, and is being executive produced by LosAngeles-based Wolfmill Entertainment, headed by Craig Miller and MarvWolfman, which has also produced Bohbot Entertainment's POCKET DRAGONADVENTURES.