Geneva Film’s stop-motion animated short “Foxed!” will premiere in 3D at Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film on April 25.
Toronto, Ontario -- James Stewart, award-winning 3D director and founder of Geneva Film Co. announced that his stop-motion animated short film, Foxed! will have its 3D premiere at the prestigious Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) on April 25, 2013. “Heaven on earth for all fans of animated film,” the ITFS is considered the biggest and one of the most important festivals for animated film worldwide.
Shot in stunning stereoscopic 3D, Foxed! is a short film about a dark and sinister trip down the rabbit fox hole. Dubbed “a gorgeous nightmarish nugget,” the film’s underlying theme of invisibility expresses concern for the repression and negligence of children in our society.
The film is co-directed and produced by digital 3D filmmaking pioneer James Stewart whose credits include the 3D work for Werner Herzog’s acclaimed Cave of Forgotten Dreams.
Beware of what hides behind the mirror. The menacing 3D, stop-motion world of Foxed! reveals young Emily toiling in the mines beneath her house, imprisoned by foxes who have duped her entire town into believing children can be replaced. Emily has to grow up quickly if she is to escape and outwit the foxes at their own game. But her daring attempt to get away is met by a stunning encounter above the ground that leaves her lost and confused.
Foxed! is currently being developed into a full-length feature film by Geneva Film Co.
Source: Geneva Film Co.