International Awards for Animation Students at Filmakademie

International Awards for Animation Students at Filmakademie

International Awards for Animation Students at Filmakademie

Press Release from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

July 21, 2010 - The computer animated graduate film "Loom" by Ilija Brunck, Jan Bitzer, Csaba Letay, Fabian Pross and Regina Welker - all of which are students at the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg - has received the Best in Show Award at the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival in Los Angeles.

"Loom" tells the story of a moth getting entangled in a spider web. Fighting for survival, it is caught up more and more by the web and therefore seals its own fate.

The CAF Best in Show Award is one of the most prestigious international honors in the field of computer animation. Among this year's awardees are, for example, Scanline for their work in Roland Emmerich's "2012" and Digic Pictures for Ubisoft's game "Assassin's Creed 2".

Another Filmakademie production has just been awarded at another international festival. "Urs" by Moritz Mayerhofer was granted the Bruce Corwin Award for Best Animation Short Film at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Since its completion in 2009, "Urs" has been a great international success and already received 26 prizes.

The plot of the film centers on Urs who wants a new life for his mother and himself, resulting in a dangerous journey.