THE LAST UNICORN, the beloved 1982 animated feature directed by Jules Bass and Arthur Rankin Jr., appears headed to DVD on March 16 through Artistan Home Entertainment, according to online retailers such as DVD Planet ( and DVD Empire (, which are currently taking pre-orders. Featuring the voice talents of Alan Arkin, Rene Auberjonois, Jeff Bridges, Mia Farrow, Angela Lansbury and Christopher Lee, THE LAST UNICORN concerns a brave unicorn and magician that battle an evil king bent on destroying all unicorns. Peter S. Beagle adapted his novel for the screen. A live-action version produced by Continent Film Ltd. (also scripted by Beagle) is in the works for a holiday release in 2004. Lee, Farrow, Lansbury and Auberjonois co-star. All but Farrow reprise their roles. Farrow, who voiced the unicorn in the animated feature, portrays Molly Grue. Julian Doyle and Michael Pakleppa share directing duties.