Anzovin Studio has shipped Animation:Master QuickStart (A:M QuickStart), a complete CD-ROM training course for Hash Inc.'s popular Animation:Master 3D character animation software. Designed for the beginning user, A:M QuickStart is a 4 hour tutorial that takes users through the operations and techniques required to build, texture, rig, animate and render an A:M character. The tutorial is based on the character animation curriculum developed by J.P. Wilson and Raf Anzovin for the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The CD-ROM includes QuickTime video presentations, project files and models. Topics covered include: the interface; basic modeling, texturing and character modeling; introduction to constraints; using the setup machine; introduction to animation; introduction to choreographies; lighting; and rendering. Animation:Master QuickStart is available for Windows and Macintosh for US$40. The CD can be ordered from