Starting January 1, 2000, Looney Toons Sylvester and Tweety hit the air,
that's the friendly skies, when Delta Air Lines began presenting Cartoon
Network's pigskin parody, BIG GAME: SYLVESTER VS. TWEETY during its
in-flight entertainment. Select domestic flights will show highlights from
BIG GAME, a Cartoon Network parody special featuring classic cartoon
episodes along with analysis by Jerry Glanville, Nick Buonoconti and Len
Dawson of HBO's INSIDE THE NFL. These football personalities break down the
decade-old rivalry between Tweety and Sylvester utilizing the classic
football notations. The Delta Air Lines in-flight programming will help
hype the premiere of Cartoon Network's four-hour special, ROAD RUNNER VS.
COYOTE: BIG GAME XXVIII, set to air Saturday, January 29, 2000 from 6-10 pm
and Sunday, January 30, 2000 from 1-5 p.m.