A newly released book by college educator Mike S. Fowler illustrates the principles of layout from an instructor's perspective. Created by Fowler to use when teaching, ANIMATION BACKGROUND LAYOUT: FROM STUDENT TO PROFESSIONAL illustrates the purpose and function of animation layout, and is applicable to both students and more experienced animators. Fowler previewed his book at this year's 2002 Ottawa International Animation Festival, and reports it received rave reviews from the staff of many colleges and universities from across North America. Illustrated and explained in the book are: perspective, perspective grids, composition, staging, fielding of characters, camera moves, thumbnail sketches, tonal drawings, storyboard, model/pose/prop sheets, location designs, field guides, level sketches, labeling, compilation of a layout folder, tips and tricks and much more. The book is now available for purchase at www3.sympatico.ca/mike.fowler or by emailing msfowlerarts@yahoo.ca. Price: US$30. ISBN 0-9731602-0-9.