Pixel Corps Offers Classes on Apple Shake, Compositing and Digital Greenscreens

Pixel Corps, the global learning guild for aspiring and professional digital craftsman, revealed its fall class line-up scheduled for Nov. 1-8 in San Francisco. Taught by industry veterans such as Alex Lindsay, Steve Wright and Marty Rosenberg, this four-part series of comprehensive workshops will cover everything from mastering Apple Shake 4 and the secrets of compositing, to shooting and lighting a visual effects shot on a fully-equipped greenscreen stage.

Pixel Corps classes are a comprehensive experience. Participants have the option of taking the courses independently or collectively, depending on the participants desires and needs. The schedule and topics for Pixel Corps fall class offerings are as follows:

* Introduction to Shake (Nov. 1-2)This intensive two-day course will give students a solid background on Shake 4, which is needed to fully participate in Wrights Master Compositing class.

* Steve Wright Master Compositing (Nov. 3-4)Wright addresses the powerful secrets of matte extraction, despill and the compositing operation, the foundations of every photorealistic composite. Wright is the author of DIGITAL COMPOSTING FOR FILM AND VIDEO, a senior compositor and was the 2D td for Kodak's award-winning Cinesite digital effects studio. His credits include more than 70 television commercials, and more than 50 feature film credits.

* Pixel Corps Digital Greenscreen Intensive (Nov. 5-6)While bluescreens and greenscreens have been used for film compositing for over 30 years, few people truly understand the science of shooting green and bluescreens in a way that produces good keys in the minimum amount of time. Often times, a few additional minutes on a set or good pre-planning can save hours or even days of work after the shoot. Join Lindsay and Rosenberg on a fully-equipped greenscreen stage as they walk participants through the process of shooting digital plates for keying.

* Pixel Corps Post-Production (Nov. 7-8)Taught by Wright and Lindsay, this intensive two-day course will tackle post-production in Shake 4, working with plates from the weekend intensive. Students will have the opportunity to analyze and solve real-world keying and compositing issues with two visual effects veterans to guide them.

Pixel Corps fall classes will take place from 9:00 am -5:00 pm. Nov. 1 through Nov. 8. The cost of Pixel Corps fall classes ranges from a single class at $445 - $745 to the entire week of classes at $2,095. Registration is open to the public until Oct. 31 or until the class is full. For detailed course descriptions and requirements, instructor biographies, pricing, class registration and class location, visit Pixel Corps website at: www.pixelcorps.com.

Pixel Corps (www.pixelcorps.com) is the global industry guild for the next generation of digital craftsmen. Devised to create a global production community capable of generating content around the world, Pixel Corps offers production training designed to create production artists. Pixel Corps is preparing artists for the next media revolution by blending extensive training, access to the industrys most advanced applications, real-world challenges and community participation. Pixel Corps has grown to more than 1,000 members in more than 30 countries.

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.