Red Kite Animation and Once Were Farmers Combine to Form Wild Child Animation

Scottish studios bring together collective talents to serve UK domestic and international Marketplace.

Scottish production companies Red Kite Animation and Once Were Farmers are joining forces to create a brand-new combined studio, Wild Child Animation. The 50/50 complementary joint venture will be based in Scotland and focus on providing content and animation services for both the UK domestic and international marketplaces.

The venture brings together the collective talents of the award-winning production companies Red Kite Animation (Dennis the Menace and Gnasher, Wendy) and Once Were Farmers, which specializes in story and character creation, graphics and visual effects and 3D animation.

Red Kite’s Sueann Rochester and Ken Anderson will be managing director and director of exploration and discovery, respectively, of the new venture. Once Were Farmers’ Will Adams and Rory Lowe will both become creative directors of Wild Child Animation. Ron Henry will join the new company as director of operations and Michael McKiernan will be finance director.

“Having worked together co-developing previous projects, we realized that the combination of Once Were Famers’ creative skills and Red Kite's production expertise was a natural fit,” commented Rochester. “Our complementary skill sets will accelerate our expansion and increase our impact at an international level.”

Source: Wild Child Animation