Send Us Your Licensing Show News For AWN's Special Flash Newsletter!

As a result of the wonderful response to our new MIPCOM, MIP-TV, NATPE and E3-specific Flash Newsletters, we will be publishing a special edition for Licensing Show, which is fast approaching and our editorial and advertising staff is gearing up for the new Flash Newsletter series. Here are the dates for the publications.

Licensing 2004 Animation Flash:May 27June 3June 18 (Follow-Up issue)

If you didnt receive your copies of AWNs Special MIPCOM 2003, NATPE 2004, MIP-TV 2004 or E3 2004 Animation Flash Newsletters, go here.

All your news can be sent to For sale opportunities, contact Dan Sarto at or call (323) 606-4200.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks