Featured in the Animation World Store this week: The South Park Collection and David Kilmer's Animated Film Collector's Guide...
Featured in the Animation World Store this week: The South Park Collection and David Kilmer's Animated Film Collector's Guide.
- Videos: The South Park Collection What can we say about this Comedy Central series? Politicalincorrectness, bad taste, fart jokes and lots of laughs. Volume 1includes: "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe," "Volcano," "Weight Gain 4000,""Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride," "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig," and"Death." The kids foil a plot to assassinate Kathie Lee Gifford in"Weight Gain 4000" and come to terms with their dog's homosexuality in"Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride." They also confront the Grim Reaper inthe euthanasia-issue episode, "Death." Volume 2 offers six moreoutrageous episodes, including the hilarious Halloween "Pink Eye"zombie-fest episode," "Damien," the Omen spoof featuring a wrestlingmatch between Jesus and Satan, "Starvin' Marvin," "Mecha-Streisand,""Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo," and "Tom's Rhinoplasty. Each volume (athree tape set) is $39.95 (available for US only).
- Books: The Animated Film Collector's Guide, Worldwide Sources forCartoons on Videotape and Laserdisc by David Kilmer ($32.50). This is anindispensable tool for all fans of animation, as well as academics andresearchers. In the age of video, nearly every film is availablesomewhere, but how do you go about finding it? This useful guide listsnearly 3,000 animated films and their video sources, including telephoneand fax numbers and postal and e-mail addresses. Included are manyhard-to-find films, as well as a listing of more than 200 films thathave won major prizes at animation festivals and/or placed in animationpolls. "The Animated Film Collector's Guide" will become the first andquite possibly only place that fans of the genre will consult to trackdown sources of animated shorts and features.