With three major animation series currently in production and one more scheduled to start production next month, the U.K.-based animation house Telemagination has expanded its digital ink and paint studio. John McManus joins the company as senior compositor and Alistair Beckett and Neil Harris have been contracted as compositors, all to begin working immediately on the in-house production, PONGWIFFY. Projects simultaneously in production at Telemagination include PONGWIFFY for ITV; LITTLE GHOSTS, a co-production between parent company TV-Loonland and Telemagination for ITV and ZDF; and REDWALL: SERIES II, a co-production between TV-Loonland and Nelvana for Canadas Teletoon. In November 2001, Telemagination will start production on MEG AND MOG, a co-production between TV-Loonland and Absolutely Productions for ITV. With over seven years of experience in animation, John McManus has been associated with a number of London-based studios in both series and commercial capacities. From 1994 until taking up his full time position at Telemagination, McManus had regular compositing contracts with Ealing Animation and worked on series such as MONTY THE DOG, CARIBOU KITCHEN and NINIS TREEHOUSE. Alistair Beckett joins Telemagination as a compositor following his noteworthy work as compositor on Michael Dudok de Wits Oscar-winning animated short film FATHER AND DAUGHTER. Neil Harris also joins Telemagination as a compositor. He first worked with Telemagination in 2000 on its award-winning Christmas special THE LAST POLAR BEARS and had previously worked on series and commercials for Ealing Animation.