Teletoon, Canadas 24-hour animation station, has announced the twelve Canadian students who have won this year's Teletoon Animation Scholarship Award. The award is one of the few for arts students and the only formal national contest for students of animation. Since the launch of the scholarship program five years ago, Teletoon has awarded more than CAD $160,000 to students studying animation. This years group of winners represents a wide range of applicants from major animation schools to smaller, rural high schools. Submissions from students were accepted in the following categories: Entrance, Continuing Education, Most Promising Student, and Mature Student. From the hundreds of applications received, three finalists in each of the four categories were chosen by the judges, who represent some of Canadas best-known animation schools and production companies. They included: Greg Bailey of Cinar, Anne Denman-Wilde of Vancouver Film School, Deborah Fallows of Corus Entertainment, Madeleine Lévesque of Teletoon, Gerry Paquette of Algonquin College, Blair Peters of Studio B Productions, and Gerry Zeldin of Sheridan College. The winners were announced on October 6, 2002 at the closing ceremonies of the Ottawa International Animation Festival. Beginning in December 2002, their work will be shown on the Teletoon Website at Below, please find a full list of winners (all dollar amounts are Canadian).
1st place ($4,000) Andrew Shek - Northern Secondary School (ON)
2nd place ($2,500) Sébastien Deschênes - École Paul-Hubert (PQ)
3rd place ($1,000) Melissa Hall - H.B. Beal Secondary School (ON)
1st place ($4,000) Jonathan Ng - Sheridan College (ON)
2nd place ($2,500) Gary Ferguson - Capilano College (BC)
3rd place ($1,000) Emmett Hall - Capilano College (BC)
1st place ($4,000) Jason Martinsen - Sheridan College (ON)
2nd place ($2,500) Julie Rocheleau - Cégep du Vieux-Montréal (PQ)
3rd place ($1,000) Dan Merisanu - Sheridan College (ON)
1st place ($4,000) Pierre-Hugues Dallaire - Gatineau (PQ)
2nd place ($2,500) Dominic Bilodeau - St. Augustin (PQ)
3rd place ($1,000) Deborah Dixon - North Vancouver (BC)