Toon Boom Animation announces the release of Toon Boom Animate 3 and Toon Boom Animate Pro 3, offering the most comprehensive set of features to professional animators in one package.
MONTREAL, Quebec --
Two-time Emmy award recipient Toon Boom Animation announced the release of Toon Boom Animate 3 and Toon Boom Animate Pro 3. Dedicated to creating frame-by-frame and cut-out rigging animation, these new versions offer the most comprehensive set of features to professional animators, all in one software.
Toon Boom Animate 3 Highlights:
- True Pencil -- Animate3 gives you the ability to draw with True Pencil, a pencil line with variablethickness that supports pressure sensitivity. Draw clean lines with the penciland have the ability to modify the lines easily. You can apply the style acrosshundreds of drawings. Incorporate texture on your lines for cool effects.
- Texture Brushes -- Animateallows you to draw with texture brushes using the Brush tool. Take advantageof this to create rough drawings just like you would on paper, simulating thatpencil-on-paper feeling.
- Tool Presets Toolbar-- When creating paperless animation, you often want to save frequently usedbrushes or pencils so you can quickly go back to those preferences. Using thenew Tool Presets toolbar, you can save presets for any tool, remembering theproperties of that tool.
Toon Boom Animate Pro 3 Highlights:
- Bone Deform -- AnimatePro 3 now comes with Bone-style Deform! Bring your cut-out characters to thenext level by adding deformers to bend drawings around bones and articulations.Apply deform to vector drawings, textures, or imported bitmaps.
- True Pencil -- AnimatePro 3 gives you the ability to draw with True Pencil, a pencil line with variablethickness that supports pressure sensitivity. Draw clean lines with the penciland have the ability to modify the lines easily. Incorporate texture on yourlines for cool effects.
- Tool Presets Toolbar-- When working in cut-out animation, you often want to save standard brushor pencil settings for different areas of your character rig. Using the newTool Presets toolbar, you can save presets for any tool, remembering the propertiesof that tool.
Both products are now supercharged on a 64-bit core. This gives you the freedom to use more of the computer’s resources, and output high-resolution files for a professional-quality production. In addition, they both support standard two-finger Touch Gestures for zooming, rotating, and scaling of the canvas when using a tablet. Finally, they both benefit from interface enhancements designed to simplify workflow and streamline the animation process.
Purchase Toon Boom Animate 3 for $699 and Toon Boom Animate Pro 3 for $1199. Customers owning Animate 1 and 2 can upgrade to version 3 for $299. Customers owning Animate Pro 1 and 2 can upgrade to version 3 for $499.
Source: Toon Boom Animation Inc.