On Thursday, March 22, 2001, the Toronto Animated Image Society (TAIS) presents a double event: Richard Reeves and Frozen Moments. Animator Richard Reeves will be on hand to introduce his award-winning films "Sea Song" and "Linear Dreams" and premiere some new works. Richard has mastered the technique of creating animated films by scratching, bleaching and painting on raw 35mm movie film to create beautiful animated films without using a camera. "Frozen Moments" is a package of Canadian independent animated films on the theme of "The Digital Revolution And Its Impact On Animation." Curated by the QuickDraw Animation Society, this eclectic package includes the works of Carol Beecher, Kevin D. A. Kurytnik, Stephen Arthur, Richard Reeves, Gail Noonan, Marilyn Cherenko and others. The event will take place at 8 pm, Room 308, Metro Hall, 55 John Street. Admission is CA$5.00. TAIS members get in free. Memberships will be available at the door. Everyone who is interested please e-mail Patrick Jenkins at pjenkins@interlog.com, or call him at (416) 533-2440.
The Quickdraw Animation Society (QAS) is an artist-run, animation film production co-op located in Calgary, Canada. QAS offers Free Film Nights, Animation Workshops and Courses.