The UPN network has bought its first CG animated primetime pilot, MEET THE BREAKNECKS, exec produced by Carsey-Werner-Mandabach in Los Angeles and animated by DKP Effects in Toronto, Canada. It's an original concept created by David Sacks, David Goetsch, Jason Venokuris and Ross Venokur about a suburban family that are actually video game characters dealing with its unique everyday problems. To meet its delivery deadline at the end of April 2003, DKP is utilizing a variety of keyframe and motion-capture proprietary and off-the-shelf tools, and is extensively using motion libraries, according to Dan Krech, DKP's founder. DKP designed the characters, working from reference supplied by the writers, striving for an iconic video gameplay look with a bright vibrant color palette, Krech said. DKP, founded in 1985, creates digital visual images for feature films, commercial, television and direct-to-video features. DKP ( has produced effects and animation for more than 3,000 commercials as well as X-MEN and JOSEPH: KING OF DREAMS and is producing episodes of 3,2,1 PENGUINS! for Big Idea Productions. CWM (formerly Carsey-Werner) dabbled briefly in animation, even creating its own animation studio, to produce the short-lived GOD THE DEVIL AND BOB primetime animated series for NBC and DOTCOMEDY with Oxygen Media for ABC. CWM ( is one of the largest independent studios in the television business (ROSEANNE, THE COSBY SHOW, THAT '70s Show) and is making a new move into movies having recently entered into a first-look agreement with Paramount Pictures for three years.