This Week At Animation World Magazine

Each week, Animation World Magazine offers new articles, special features and theme-based coverage of the art, craft and industry of animation. New this week:

- Alexeieff: Itinerary of a MasterWendy Jackson Hall reviews Giannalberto Bendazzi's latest book, Alexeieff: Itinerary of a Master,that discusses the art and life of pinscreen master Alexandre Alexeieff.

- New from Japan: Anime Film ReviewsFred Patten reviews the latest anime releases including new Robotech releases, Spring and Chaos: The Life and Times of Kenji Miyazawa, and the OAV and TV series of Vampire Princess Miyu.

- Behind Jeepers CreepersGo behind the scenes of Jeepers Creepers with the effects team at E=mc2. Includes step by step explanations and QuickTime movie clips!
