San Francisco-based Wild Brain has completed an in-house seven-minute short film called A Dog Cartoon, featuring a highly-energetic dog who faces many perils as he attempts to recover his coveted bone. Wild Brain animation director Dave Thomas, who came up with the idea for the film, credits Saturday morning TV as his inspiration for A Dog Cartoon. Says Thomas, The dog character lived in my head for a long time...this film is my homage to the great cartoons I watched as a kid. The dog character is now being developed into a television series, Harvards Yard. While at Wild Brain, Dave Thomas has been an animator on high profile commercials for companies such as Nike, Sprite, Nestle and KFC, and director on The New Guy, a pilot for Microsoft Network. The film will premiere with a live musical score when The Sprocket Ensemble Goes to the Dogs at a screening in Berkeleys Fine Arts Theater. See Upcoming Events in Animation for further information on the screening.