Women In Animation announces the launch of a six-month pilot professional mentoring program set to run from October 2014 through March 2015.
Los Angeles -- Women In Animation, the professional, non-profit organization for women involved in all aspects of the animation industry, has announced the launch of a professional mentoring program. Designed to empower, educate and support mentees by increasing their industry knowledge and access to information through relationships with experienced animation talent, the WIA mentoring program is open to WIA members in the greater Los Angeles area for its initial run.
The WIA mentoring pilot program is scheduled to run for six months, from October 2014 through March 2015. Based on the outcome of the pilot program, WIA hopes to expand the program to offer mentorships in an ongoing basis in Los Angeles as well as within other participating WIA chapters around the world.
WIA Co-President Kristy Scanlan says, “Mentoring is one of the principles at the heart of WIA's mission and vision. We are excited to launch the mentoring program and look forward to helping each participant develop the professional skills and knowledge she needs to succeed in the animation industry.”
The Mentoring Committee is spearheaded by Scanlan and committee chair Kaaren Lee Brown. Industry professionals who are interested in participating as mentors are invited to contact Scanlan or Brown through the WIA website at http://www.womeninanimation.org. Mentee applications for the pilot program can also be found on the WIA website. The deadline for application submissions is August 22, 2014.
Women In Animation is a professional, non-profit organization that envisions a world in which women share fully in the creation, production and rewards of animation, resulting in richer and more diverse entertainment and media that move our culture forward. Women In Animation brings together a global community of animation professionals to empower and support women in the art, science and business of animation by increasing access to resources, creating opportunities for education, encouraging strong connections between individuals, and inspiring excellence. For more information, visit http://www.womeninanimation.org.
Source: Women in Animation