Spain-based animation producer Black Maria has added YENNY, a new animated comedy-adventure series for teenagers, to its slate of projects. Based on an Internet comic strip by David Alvarez that was adopted by Universal Press Syndicate for digital distribution, YENNY follows the adventures of a big-footed Boricua girl. Alvarez is working together with Black Maria's creative directors in the graphic development of the series, which will follow the original storylines of the comic strips.
Black Maria hopes to assemble an international group of experienced American and European scriptwriters to work under Alvarez and producer/director Fernando Carrion and is looking for co-production partners and financial investors. The company plans to begin production by fall 2008.
The project website (, including production details, full info about the series and the characters, and a Flash games gallery featuring YENNY and her friends, will be completed soon. More information is also available at