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Tagged With: Design

Animation Headline News

Larry Lauria Animation Workshops In Phoenix

By Rick DeMott | Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 12:00am

* Thursday, January 11 Friday, January 12, 2001. Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.

Larry Lauria will be conducting a "hands on," interactive animation fundamentals and character design workshop. The event is being held at Al Collins Graphic Design School. On Thursday, Lauria will present a talk on "Careers in Animation." The workshop will be held on Friday. For more information contact Jeff Marcus at: Tel.: (800) 876-7070.

Visual Headline News

New Visual Design Firm Opens In Jersey

By Rick DeMott | Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 12:00am

Toms River, New Jersey-based Theme Studios has opened a new visual design studio. The company will focus on the production of graphics, illustrations and 2D3D visuals. Theme currently creates projects for distribution on the Web or in digital formats. For more information contact Robert Breisch at: 882 Salem Dr., Toms River, New Jersey 08753; Tel.: (732) 270-1220; E-mail: sends e-mail); or Web:

Design Headline News

Dosch Design Drums Up More Texture CDs

Germany-based Dosch Design has announced the release of several new texture collections, further expanding its highly successful line of 3D-animation stock CD-Roms. The most significant addition to the Dosch family of products is a three-bundle set of texture CD-Roms called Dosch Textures Complete. Each of the three bundles is targeted at a specific area of 3D. The first collection, "Character Design," contains animal and creature eyes, human eyes and skin textures. The "Architecture and Design" bundle contains construction materials, industrial-design and reflection-maps.

Design Headline News

Sideshow Motion Design Livens Up Olympic NBC Coke Ads

Sideshow Motion Design has created 81 20-second promotional spots for NBC and Coca Cola to highlight the Summer Olympic Games. The ads utilize still photos of over 40 athletes in a moving fashion evocative of gold photo albums. Jie Shen designed and directed the commercials. "Our client, NBC, saw the importance of collaborating with Coke and wanted to do something with still photography and bring it life with an emotional wallop," said Sideshow president Scott Mantel. "This campaign shows Jies talents off beautifully.

Design Headline News

Rocky Mountain College Of Art & Design Adds Animation

Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design (RMCAD), located in Denver, Colorado, has added a new animation program to its bachelor degree program. Currently, the college offers five other Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Graphic Design and Interactive Media, Illustration, Painting, Sculpture and Interior Design. The schools goal is to delve into the medium of animation as the only interdisciplinary visual art that merges art, writing, storytelling, drawing, design, sculpture, acting, filmmaking, art direction and film directing.

Design Events

Maurice Noble Animation Layout In Design and Color Seminar

By Guest (not verified) | Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 11:00am
Begins: August 5, 2000

The renowned layout, background artist and color designer Maurice Noble will be holding a design seminar. Starting at the Disney Studios in 1931, he worked on SILLY SYMPHONIES, THE OLD MILL, SNOW WHITE, BAMBI, FANTASIA and DUMBO. His work at Warner Bros. Studios is legendary, designing the backgrounds for classic cartoons such as "What's Opera Doc" and "Duck Amuck" (both in the National Archives!), "Duck Dodgers," the ROAD RUNNER cartoons, and contributing to the feature film, THE INCREDIBLE MR. LIMPET.

3D Events

3D Conference and Expo

By Guest (not verified) | Monday, May 8, 2000 at 11:00am
Begins: May 8, 2000

The 3D Conference provides four days of in-depth classes focused on the art and technology of 3D. It addresses the needs of professionals using 3D technology in a wide variety of contexts, including entertainment, architecture, engineering, science, medicine, and legal affairs. More than 70 intermediate to advanced classes provide training and instruction in 3D tools and techniques used in animation, modeling, rendering, visual effects, industrial visualization, web design, broadcast and film design, and digital video.

Design Headline News

New Jobs this Week: Animators, Digital Artists, Tech Support and Assistants

Palo Alto, California-based Pacific Data Images is looking for SENIOR

CHARACTER ANIMATORS. . . Neoglyphix, a pre-IPO Internet entertainment

channel, has an opening for an ANIMATION DIRECTOR who will supervise

all artwork for production of the company's animated Webisodes. . .

Colorado Springs-based Visual Approach is looking for 3D CHARACTER

ANIMATORS for the production of a 3D animated kids series. . .

Hollywood Digital Visual Effects is seeking junior and senior 3D

Design Headline News

WIA, Inc. General Meeting

By Rick DeMott | Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 12:00am

* Saturday, February 26, 2000. Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Women In Animation, Inc. will be holding their annual meeting with guest

speaker Lynda Weinman of The meeting introduces members and

anyone interested in WIA with what has happened in the past year and what

exciting events and activities are on the way for 2000. Weinman, a pioneer

of graphics and animation on the MAC, will bring to the event her knowledge

Design Headline News

Peter Burega joins THE FIRM DESIGN GROUP

THE FIRM DESIGN GROUP, a creative concept studio specializing in broadcast design and image campaigns, has hired creative director/director PETER BUREGA. Burega will head up the West Coast studio in Venice, California, USA and direct commercials for The Film Design Group's parent company, Fourth of July Productions. Burgega's recent credits include indentity spots for the USA Network and commercials for House of Blues International and Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Design Headline News

MACROMEDIA announces several strategic moves including merger

Macromedia, the industry leader in web design and web graphics tooldevelopment, announced several moves and agreements which gear thecompany toward taking e-commerce to a new level, and making Macromedia acentral part of this growing sector's evolution. The company unveiled itseBusiness Infrastructure strategy, i.e. plans to provide 'solutions' forcontent creation, management, personalisation and management of Extranetand Internet sites.

The company also made several other significant announcements, most notably

Design Headline News


New York City-based SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION has named Flame Artist FABRICEMAUREL as Design Director. Maurel comes to Spontaneous Combustion from LosAngeles, California-based Novocom where he contributed to the artdirection, design, implementation and special effects compositing oftelevision shows, commercials and music videos.

Design Headline News

2D and 3D animation courses available at Austin Community College

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

The Visual Communication Design department of Austin Community College offers a work intensive program in the areas of Graphic Design and Multimedia production. The two year Associate of Applied Science degree includes classes in Computer Production Art, Typographic Design, Illustrative Techniques, Graphic Design and Basic Drawing. The Applied Multimedia Technology certificate offers extensive training in 2D and 3D Computer Animation, Motion Graphics, World Wide Web Design, Multimedia Authoring, Interface Design and Photoshop Techniques.

Design Headline News

New Schedules for Both DH Institute of Media Arts and Associates in Art Westside

Both DHIMA and AIA have new classes starting in July. Highlights on the CG side (DHIMA) - Starts the week of July 12: Maya; 3D Max; After Effects; Photoshop; Avid NT Editing; Game Design and Programming - Level 1. Special offer to new DHIMA CG July students: DHIMA will give out SIGGRAPH '99 exhibit passes to the first 50 students who register for the July session. SIGGRAPH '99 will happen at the Los Angeles Convention Center, August 8-13, 1999.

Show Headline News

Portfolio show set at Art Institute of Atlanta

* Thursday, June 17, 11 am - 1:30 pm. Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

A portfolio show and networking meeting will take place at The ArtInstitute of Atlanta at 3376 Peachtree Road NE. The show features computeranimation, multimedia, graphic design, interior design, and videoproduction. For more information contact Diana Graves at (404) 266-2662,ext. 370; or e-mail: sends e-mail).

Production Headline News

PDI names John Bell new Creative Director of production design

By Amid Amidi | Monday, February 22, 1999 at 12:00am

PDI (Pacific Data Images) has named ANTZ Production Designer, John Bell as the division's Creative Director. Bell's new responsibilities include managing the production design staff, and overseeing the creative direction and design techniques of the rapidly growing commercial and film effects unit as it continues to broaden beyond its present size and scope. "John has contributed to some of the most significant special effects films in the last decade," said Patty Wooton, PDI's Senior VP or Production.

Awards Headline News

AMPAS to hand out tech awards

By Amid Amidi | Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 12:00am

The Scientific and Technical Academy Awards will be presented on Saturday, February 27 in Los Angeles. Avid Technology will receive an Oscar statuette for the concept, system design and engineering of the Avid Film Composer for motion picture editing. Of the thirty-four other awards (Academy plaques and certificates), the sole animation-related distinction goes to Cary Phillips of Industrial Light & Magic, who will receive a Technical Achievement award for the design and development of the "Caricature" Animation System

Design Headline News

Alias|Wavefront announces SurfaceStudio

The producers of Maya and PowerAnimator, Alias|Wavefront recentlyannounced that they were jumping into the technical surfacing market withthe introduction of its new SurfaceStudio. SurfaceStudio, which will bereleased later this year, will be a complement to the Alias Studio 9 familyof CAID products. "The introduction of SurfaceStudio is a natural extension of theAlias|Wavefront leadership in CAID tools. Our automotive customers, inparticular, have encouraged us to make this move and we greatly benefited
