Pixomondo Expands Virtual Production Academy with New Collaborations
Studio launches new training initiatives, working with the latest virtual production and LED stage techniques, at Sony PCL, Vook school in Japan, and Vancouver Film School.
Studio launches new training initiatives, working with the latest virtual production and LED stage techniques, at Sony PCL, Vook school in Japan, and Vancouver Film School.
The Vancouver Film School teams up with the leading VFX and virtual production studio to train students for careers as VAD Technical Artists, VAD Generalists, and UE Technical Artists.
The program, a collaboration between Epic Games, Escape Studios, and six European university partners, provides experience in practical applications of Unreal Engine including previsualization, layout, rigging, animation, and integration of real-time workflows.
Online training course in popular 2D animation software is designed to prepare artists to work in the animation industry; animation course runs May 17-28, with rigging course running June 7-18.
Medical gaming creator expands creative talent roster; industry veteran to work with recently hired design director, Jason VandenBerghe, to innovate and advance the practice of medicine through play.
Category: Live Online Instructed Course
Start Date: September 30th
Time: Tuesdays, 7pm-10pm (PST)
Duration: 8 Weeks
The purpose of this class is to help individuals create concept art for gaming with a focus on style and theme consistency. This class offers students a solid grasp of game art principles. The class fosters a strong development of the individual’s style as well as a wide range of methods to transform concept art into consistent and functional art for in game purposes. Students will become skilled at reproducing the style and theme as the develop a section of a particular IP’s world.
Registration for Animation Principles, Character Design, Production Design and Story classes closes this coming Friday.