This month in "The Animated Scene," Joseph Gilland ponders to be too busy or not too busy that is the question.
The last three months have been perhaps the most hectic in my entire life, with the vast majority of the activity taking place in the world of animation. Thus my difficulty in actually finding the time to write about animation, as it is consuming my life once again, just like the first time I ever tried to complete an animated film back in my school days.
In my last column, I wrote about how excited I was that there would be a brand new festival in Portland this summer, The Platform Festival. Wouldn't you know it? I had to move into a different house the week that the festival finally happened, and even though Portland is only a stone's throw away from Vancouver, I was far too busy to make it there at all, especially when you factor in the insane deadlines I am working against to create all of the special effects for 4Kids television cartoon Chaotic, together with moving, being a single parent, and, insanely, taking on other freelance work here and there on top of it all! Oh and putting together proposals to try and snag some other big feature animation jobs along the way, and still piecing together the final details of my book, and scrambling to get it published some time before Hell freezes over.
It's crazy, when animation gets us so busy, that we can't get out there and enjoy all the great animation that there is to experience. Instead I had to be content to read