Four years strong...
The end of this month represents the end of Animation World Magazine's fourth year. We have come a long, long way. Over the years we have moved from people saying, "What? You are published on the Internet?!" to being the leading, respected animation publication. The March issue on production technology is a testament to this fact. I'd like to point out just a few of our illustrious industry insiders contributing to this month's issue: Edwin Catmull, Chuck Jones, Jeff Kleiser, Iain Harvey, Jerry Beck, and many others. Our contributors are what sets us apart and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank them for their hard work and curiosity. At Animation World Network we are committed to providing a home for the animation community and the more input we get, the more we can meet your needs. The "Animation Look-A-Likes: Mobilux Lumia and Other Real-Time Technologies" article by Howard Beckerman in this issue is an example of the global community which AWN has built over the past four years. Gene Deitch e-mailed me from Prague discussing an odd animation technique that he remembers being used in New York City years ago. After several calls, we heard from Howard who had a vivid memory of the device, plus several others. Voilà! An article is born and with fascinating results. Our readers are a wealth of information and I would like to encourage you all to send queries, opinions, ideas for stories and issues that you would like to see the magazine tackle. Our recent merger with only increases our resources and reach so that we can publish more and better information for you. With this new partnership in place, we are looking forward to our next year of publication and hope to continue to provide a valuable service and network.
Until Next Time, Heather