hey everyone,
This is my latest animation. I mainly did it to add something with lip-synching to my portfolio. I've done plenty of it in the past, but i needed something more recent and more polished.
1.8 megs
Done in Maya 5.0 and Premiere Pro 1.5. Oh and all the voices (including the sheep) were done by myself. The joke itself was taken from the David Letterman Show.
C&C as always welcome. Hope you like it!
good animation. and it took two watchings to get the joke......it has not been my day for thinkin'.
Website http://dapper-dandy.com
Cartoon Syndicate project
haha that's cool and thanks! I think the sheep and the schwarzie impression detract from the initial joke.
Very cleaver will done animation and I like your voice track also.
Not bad, is there a lip syncing program in MAYA or is this hand done? Wantobe, I'm in Texas as well, the Rita part...
Really nice Raji, I think you really nailed the newscaster feel. It's kind of distracting when his eyes dart off to the side real quick. It makes me feel like he sees something off camera, and that makes me want to see something rushing into view. Like a piano or something. If you can, I'd try and move the lip sync forward by one frame. It looks good, but it looks like the mouth shapes are right on the sound, which tends to make the mouths look like they are running just behind the audio.
There is also a weird head bob when he comes forward to camera around the ..."get down..." part. His head arcs around from the back pose around to the left of the screen. Then for a fame or two it jogs to the right, then back to the left. Kinda weird. I also wouldn't mind seeing him regain his composure and do one of those, "... back to you Kent." kinda things. Thats just me though. It looks really nice and polished, these are just real nit picky things the would really make your work sing.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Lensman, this was all done by hand.
Ape, thanks for the comments! In the "get down" part i was trying to immitate the exaggeration you usually find in Schwarzenegger impressions. Arnold himself has a tendency to bob/bounce his head around a little. So that part was intentional. I should put that bobbing/bouncing when he screams too, just for consistency (plus it might work better since there's more frames to play with).
As for the lip-synch, it does look a little slow on everything except the "by his SON" part. So i'll have to fix that up. OH and him regaining his posture and saying "back to you Kent" would be hilarious!! I'll definitely get back to it in a while and do that. Seeing the other guy's speechless reaction like "what the hell got into him??" would be priceless! Like MasterCard. :D Thanks for the idea! :)
Keep 'em comin'! :)