I just came acrossed this thing. Puts a whole new light on the new christian movement.
Sorry if you caught it at Christmas time, I never did. I think this is something Christians should have risen up against and caused riots for.
I just love the butt shots and the lipstick! NOT!
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Exactly, it's irritating, to say the least. And the seductive camels on their way to the birth of Christ is just so poignant.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Frankly, I don't see the problem. At most, it's guilty of being pretty stupid. But if someone wants to express their faith with a goofy Flash card like this, so what?
I find this faaaaaar less offensive than some of those televangelist characters that are on TV way too much.
Ironically, when this was tried recently, the black community was up in arms over the incident. On a recent "Boondocks", the story speculated on what Martin Luther King's reaction to current black culture would be had he ended up in a coma after being shot rather than dying. If you didn't see it, let's just say that MLK was less than pleased.
The response to the episode? Al Sharpton gets on TV and demands - demands - that the episode not be re-aired or included in a DVD collection. Rather than addressing the message, he attacks the messenger.
Isn't that what happened when Cheney shot his friend, it wasn't his fault, first it was his friend's for not announcing himself, then it's the media's fault, that's called shifting blame, it only works if you let it.
This camel thing is just plain BAD TASTE! Can you spell it, do you understand the term, it's bad taste. And Cheney is a bad shot.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I don't like them either, but they aren't animated.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
This thing just smacks me of sheep and lonely shepherds, putting out a right-wing Christmas Card. In a way it's funny and suiting. Not something I would send to a friend or family.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Maybe. It's not to my taste, for sure, and obviously not to yours. But American Greetings obviously felt there was a market for it, as they paid to have it produced (and with pretty good production values too).
That's the thing about free speech - gotta take the bad with the good.
What production value might that be? I have no idea what they pay their designers, or what their return is.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
the camels walk cycles are like wrong!
"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo
i got zero problems with that.
I think it's cute. That's what a hump orignally meant, right?
I am more offended by the bad walk cycle.:D
WHy can't I work for american greetings?
I don't think it's cute, and I wasn't even critiquing the animation skills, but yeah I hear ya...
Me too! I'd like a contract with them or Hallmark, even Blue Mountain, but you don't hear much about them anymore.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
It's pretty obvious that you're not able to see anything good at all in this piece, so I'm just gonna stop talking with you about it. The last word is all yours.
Actually I kind of like their flash work, I just don't like the content. You're the one that said there was some production value, without the humping content, what value is there? for the card site, they got visitors yes, but for the right reasons? Maybe their main reason for choosing this card to purchase was for the traffic that it could generate because of the discourse on bad taste, if so, yeah, that's a production value, I guess....thought you had something specific as far as animation in mind.
That's like saying design something really terrible, and the publicity you generate has production value, because it rates a viewer base. Not something I would pay for..
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Well, since you asked...:D
What I said was:
That's production values, not value. I was referring to the quality of the artwork, period. It's clean and professionally produced (walk cycle issues notwithstanding). It's not a slapdash hack job by some internet wannabe. I wasn't commenting on the moral, religious, or any other message contained therein.
I think you may have misunderstood me.
man, who cares? it's all a load of fairy tales anyway, there's no signifiicant design or animation to warrant a discussion, and if any christians are offended by the e-card... then forgive them!
hell yeah.
There's also no reason to throw in your personal opinion about religion, but you did it anyway. That's even less about animation than an animated e-card.
With all the murder and humiliation of real, live human beings on the internet, I can't even bring myself to pay attention to some tacky little cartoon.
I agree about the media's mishandling of the Cheney shooting incident, though. In the first place, who in the hell expects a draft dodging coward like Cheney to know how to handle a gun?
And the guy does many, many things that are MUCH more news-worthy. He's ordering people to be abducted off the street and tortured in gulags. On top of that, he's just been given the power to commit high treason every time he gets mad. Yet the news is all over this little quail hunting accident. It's as if they were desperate to point out something that was a normal mistake. Ignorant rednecks will always shoot each other in hunting accidents.
glad to know you don't have an opinion, either way! ;)
SPLAT digital
Oh yeah, and Paris Hilton is a skank! (Boy, now I'm REALLY in trouble!)
...with her lawyers! :rolleyes:
SPLAT digital
Actually I am not really offended, but every now and then I like to start a discussion, about something other than whats the best school to attend, or how do you break into the business? type thing. For me I design ecards for money, so when I see a really crappy one I like to discuss it. I like to see a variety of threads here at AWN, it's what makes horse races.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I gotta agree with ya phacker!
The "hump" song and camel were good for a quick one liner...but to bring it to the birth of Christ was tacky, imho.
Visually I was boppying along with a lipstick-wearing camel, uh, lady...then get a quick cut to the manger...seemed like a reach to me.:rolleyes:
Ah well!
SPLAT digital