
By cdevroe | Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 6:42am

Should we consider having this as a theme option as well?

I'm talking about a straight install, no customization beyond what the theme offers.

Greg's picture
Submitted by Greg on

Colin, during our 1pm phone meeting tomorrow, let's also review what will be involved for folks to make use of their own blog templates, or other WP templates: how they/we can add them to the Animation Blogspot system; how to easily instruct users to integrate our ads in those templates (or if we will need to upload those templates ourselves); how blogs won't be able to be seen/published if those ad positions are removed or modified in any way; how to make sure that bloggers aren't incorporating competing ad software into their template (e.g., since we will be using Revenue Science links, the use of AdSense on the same page is contractually not allowed). Etc.


cdevroe's picture
Submitted by cdevroe on

All template installs can be done by Mark. As far as template development and customization, that would have to be done by someone that is familiar with PHP and WordPress (I'm guessing mark could do this as well).

As far as the users being able to add their own themes onto the system, this is something that is not possible, unless they send you the theme to you.

Perhaps one of your team could create some tutorials, posted via the main awn blogspot blog, describing how to make a wordpress theme, drop in the correct ad code - and sending it to you. What that exact process is, would have to be thought of by your team.

Greg's picture
Submitted by Greg on

At some point, we will likely have several theme options available. The three templates that Mike has put together are to help get us up-and-running for launch.

Speaking of which: there is plenty for us to review. Colin, please give me a call so we can discuss the status of various pieces of the development puzzle. Including some bugginess.

Dan Sarto's picture
Submitted by Dan Sarto on

If we can hook our basic ad positioning into it, there's really no reason why not.

Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.

TypeD's picture
Submitted by TypeD on

I like that ComicPress theme. Nice and simple, but not dumbed-down.

cdevroe's picture
Submitted by cdevroe on

Perhaps your in-house designer could fit the ad spaces within it. Either way, you can fool around with just about any WP-theme going forward.