Phreak's Gallery/Sandpit!

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VEry cool and pretty animated work.


Thank you very much!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.


Yeah off course I know das pop. I dont like pop but Belgium pop is nice. Its not that commercial like the most american or englisch groupys.

But You're new drawing are nice.I see the evolution in it. I post some work today see it and give comments.


Love the work ! I had to chuckle about Boba fett :D I'm working on the last girl scketch that i posted and I'm doing it in a more contrasted state with a comic book feel instead of the more illustrative feel. I'll post it soon. Again I 'm liken your work a lot man!



Thanks man! Gla u like my work! Looking forward to seeing your page redone!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Cantuman's Pencils, My Inks!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Good stuff nice lines.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Wow way cool !!!! you saw things I didn't hahaha hey have you done anything with the furrey woman and lion?



Sorry Cartuneman, not yet, started with a tankgirl for someone, and busy with a comic page, will do though as soon as I have time!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Here's the TankGirl I just did drawing her in different styles!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Cool, love the contrast. and the look on her face.

cart :D


Thanks a lot dude.

Here's Lobster Johnson frpm BPRD. Don't really know the character but was asked to draw him 2day!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Over all, I'm liking the subject matter and approach. There's a style that makes most of the stuff really interesting to look at. You also seem to have a solid grasp of anatomy. A few pieces, like the Night Crawler page, seem crude by comparisson to some of the other stuff.

Someone has mentioned inking different textures in different styles. I'd like to second this. Most importantly, concentrate on differentiating subject from background. You can do this either in the inking-- doing the BG kind of sketchy and less contrasty-- or with ye olde gaussian blur in photoshop.

What I'd most like to see is more twisting of the figures. A slight rotation at the waste, for instance, can add a lot of energy and a sense of actual motion. In particular, avoid putting the entire figure in profile or front view, unless they're background figures that you want to flatten. This is something I've been struggling with myself, lately. So maybe I'm Hyper-aware of it right now. But I always find it worth the time and effort to torque things a little.

Again, you have a strong sense of what is cool to look at, which will carry you a long way in itself. But there are a few gimmicks you can use to energize the drawings, so they pop out more.

hey there

Thanks a lot for your crit, and comments, i will seriously take it into consideration doing my next work. I have to do a few pieces for a few people as well as do 3more comic pages in the next week, so I'll definitely play around with your ideas. Thanks again for taking the time to comment!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

So whats the next thing on your agenda to draw? hahahah keep it up sir. I'd love to see more of your color work too. I have a question. Do you live in south africa?


i love your stuff!!
you're so good at doing poses and incorporating details in your work without making it look silly, and your inking skills are...awesome!!
i envy you!!!
but your stuff is really cool!
i agree with cartuneman though, i'd love to see more of your colored pieces:D
keep drawing your amazing stuff!!


Here's a Catwoman I did this morning:

Yeah, I live in South Africa. The winter's almost over, spring starts in 3 weeks but it's already reached comfortable weather. I'm sure it doesn't get as cold as your weather (Nevada {desert} must be pretty freezing on winter nights?), but I had to was like a centimetre of ice off my car's windscreen in the mornings before driving to work! :confused: WHY? :eek:
Don't worry you're welcome to ask any questions, I really do get funny questions regarding 'Africa'! It's fun.

Thank you for your nice words! You're also welcome to pass any crit you might have. I like hearing other people's point of view on my work, and it's shortcomings. The reason I don't do more digital coloring is cause I'm not very good at it. All my art is basically self trained (I'm in old school IT for a living, and run my own small comic workshop etc as a hobby) so I'm sure there's hundreds of things I overlook when I draw. But the more I get comfortable with Photoshop the more work I'll produce with it. I like working and playing around with ink and markers, learning new things every day though.

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

hahaha Phreak,

Hey there....another question? What is the animation market there like. Who has most of the market? and is there any local houses' that operate in that area. Sorry lots of questions but I've been asked to do some character designs and storyboarding for a company that will be marketing there product in the overseas market such as Africa and Austrailia.

love the catwoman (do you work from model poses or from your minds eye?)



Animaiton market? Well there's not really much to talk of, I know there's quite a few projects under development at the moment, and I know a few people are making a living off it, but 90% of it is government funded educational stuff for the indiginous people, not much in the form of entertainment. Nickilodian (spelling?) is developing a local cartoon based on a local family thing, but most of the people I know actually work freelance for overseas companies. I don't have too many connecitons though as I do it as a hobby, and only started taking it a bit more seriously the past few months, but I'm rapidly building my local contacts database, hehe.

Most of the freelance artists who do animation/comic/cartoony stuff do it in adds and for game design (outsourced overseas once again). There's a website for a local company called I Imagine which shows a lot of local artists talent. as far as comics are concerned, a few of my friends run comics brew, and they're funded by european art institutes cause unless it's in the interests of the local autorities they don't really care about helping local artists. There there's us, Comicworx (Myself and a buddy) trying to build a community where local guys can get to know each other and learn off each other's work. Pretty much like this forum. (Check our forum out at we only have like 100members, but we're only 4months old so it's getting there)

Anyway, here's me playing around with a girl I know's pencil work (She's 17, and has lotz of talent!!), it's totally not my style so I thought I'd have some fun with it:

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.


As for your last question, I have gazillions of reference photos on my PC so I sit at my PC Desk and do my roughs in front of my screen, but usually add and change as I go, then I go to the drawing board and take it from there!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

I like the comic book style your work has, the Boba-fet and the Ghost Rider are my favorites. The Boba's got really great action. From reading your posts I know your a D.C. guy but maybe you remember back in the late eighties early to mid nineties marvel comics had the bull-pen bullitens, any way the Ghost rider reminded me of that. Great work, keep it comin.


I remember those marvel pages with 'nuff said' hehe. Back when I used to enjoy the marvel universe! LOL!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Outline Proj

I haven't posted sketches for a week...A WEEK! Does that mean I'm lazy? NO. I've been busy with a 4pager (might have mentioned it before). Anyway, these are my inks before I scanned it in. I'm going to play around with markers vs. airbrush effects instead of coloring it, will update my thread while playing around with my options, but in the meantime, you're more than welcome to crit/comment on the pages if you see something I need to fix before it's too late (My deadline's August 31st)

If you're into comics etc, just for interest sake, I was taking a lot from Alexander Maleev/Tony Harris/Leinil Francis Yu's styles trying to get a nice amalgemation going!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

First page test

Played around with my first page a bit (continued from my previous post with my 4pages)

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Really cool stuff Phreak, errrr .... Phreak, cool stuff .... somehow that doesn't sound right, but you get the idea. Very dramatic.


thanks a lot!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

This is the way I wake up every day! (only without the woman...)

Very nice, precise work, Phreak! The eye's drawn pretty much where it needs to be, and the angles work for me. From the composition, I'd assume that there's little if any text in these pages. But one would assume that the action is clarified by some kind of build-up.

Are we looking at something going on in real life or the character's head? Or is this just a couple playing some kind of kinky game?

I do feel like the gray tones you applied kind of muddy things up. I think the lines you indicate for shadow in the inks should be stuck with pretty exactly, with maybe two flat shades of gray. Of course, a lot's going to depend on how it's printed...

Dr Specter!

Hahaha, nice to see you got good habits! (waking up, from being passed out on the carpet every morning!) We have a lot in common, usually my girlfriend drags me around by the foot waking me up! Hehe. Regarding the story, I was asked to do a 4page story that's SRIKING for a Frenchy comic, so the only way I could make 4pages striking is to jump forward and back in time with every page, and ending with the beginning, hehe. But if they're in order they'll probably make a lot more sense.

Anyway a local publication asked me for some illustrations for their horror/short story, so I'm working through the story playing around with ideas, and I'll post them here as I go/experiment...its probably PG14/16 with violence/nudity, so I'll add nipplecaps! LOL!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Heres my 2cents

Finished my coloring/toning:

Page one, faded those extra lines, and added some blood. Made the panels thicker, and the hand in panel 5 bigger:

Page 2,3,4:

Now 3 illusrations, then I'll go letter and fix these pages up (after you 100's of suggestions)

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

And its colored

Just added my for comic pages in my previous post on the previous page! Don't miss it!

Colored in mono-tones (To be printed in B/W) in Photoshop

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

done the lettering

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

ANOTHER comicpage

Had to do a comicjam page. had a week. left it for the last 3.5hours. So it's ugly but here it is:

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.


long time since I replyed in here........ Great stuff man! It takes alot of talent to create layout ...looks like you have a great handel on it. Do you make a living at doing the comic art?


Thanks a lot dude!

Cartuneman: As a matter of fact, I'd like to make a living doing it. Hell, I'd love to do if free lance/part time. Bottom line, I've never been paid for one piece of work I've ever done! That's why I'm posting my work hoping to get some exposure/connections!

Here's another for a short story:

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Absolutely awesome stuff!!
You've never been paid?! That's so odd, your comics are really good!
Wish I could ink like that...or use photoshop like that...
I've got so much to practice on, it's scary.


Thanks a lot! Yeh, the closest I've ever been to actually be paid for work was doing stuff in exhange for free advertising in mags! Hehe. Market here's just not big enough, that's why I'm looking at overseas prospects

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

howdy my freind,

Ya working and making a living can be two different things hahahaha. I've worked for the studios and done alot of free lance work too and also worked for trade...(more often than not). But hey hang in there something will come up one day and you'll go OMG! I'm actually making money at what I enjoy most!.

Thanks for enjoying my last gallery submission. It was alot of fun....I'm actually trying a different approuch to coloring it.I'm going to use painter and see what that looks like. have a great day sir!

John, Cart:D


Yeh, I figured that out cartuneman, I've been a computer porgrammer for close to 11years, and it pays the bills! :) But you know, I'm like a kid when it comes to drawing etc. I wanna I wanna I wanna! So my ideal job would be something more creative that coding a program! hehe.

Here's one if two drawings I did tonight, no I'm not an angry person, it's a request (I used my friend who I've know for 20years now, as a model!)

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.


I'm starting to get blisters on my fingers....

Here's me and a group of friends at a braai, or BBQ as you like to call it in the Us: I'm the armless one on the right, my girlfriend is the one head sticking out the left. Thought it would be fun to do, then got bored:

Here is what YOU YOU YOU AWN made me do:

Nice story behind that character, he's one of six.

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Howdy Mr Phreak,

I had to laugh at your last comment in my gallery about my stuff hahaha, but to answer your question what do i do for a living? I'm a carpenter and construction manager. I build custom homes for a living.


I'm baaack!

Was I gone? Yes. traveling the country for work, but I'm home and have been asked for Boonrock Saints, so that'll be my next pic up. Hopefully soon!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Something I did on the plane

Had to draw from memory so it doesn't really look very Asterixy and obelixy

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

So, Do you have some of your own characters you draw?


I like the last pic too.


if only I had time to! I do though, like my four page comic (You saw here first) which is to be published on november 4th!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Boondock Saints

I loved the movie, and I think if they really should make a comic of I decided po play with the idea

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.


Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Dude !

Those are some serious foreshortening views. Have you ever had any formal anatomy classes?



Me? Anatomy class? Besides FHM and Cosmopolitan research (Courtesy of my girlfriend) none! I wish I did though.

Here's the colored one, I officially decided I suck at coloring

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.

Turtle Power!

Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.
