i'm gonna be completing a short animated film in the next couple of months and have started thinking about how to get it out there. i have a list a mile long of festivals but i'm looking for other routes. has anyone ever done anything else to promote a film other than festivals? i just saw on http://www.cartoonbrew.com/ an article about 'The Waif of Persephone'. this film is mentioned all over the web and it has just been finished! do people tend to send in copies of films to websites like cartoon brew in the hope of a mention? :confused:
promoting your short film
By derickvonfuscho | Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 5:57am
promoting your short film
Just finished?!? I saw "The Waif of Persephone" in Ottawa, September of last year! I think the dudes at Cold Hard Flash were promoting it...there were a couple of posts. Plus, the director is one of John K.'s lil' homies, and Mr. K ain't known for bein' subtle about sumpin' he likes.
Have you thought about submitting it to Channel Frederator? Frederator studio's animation fest podcast has a pretty damn big following...they just had their first annual awards show, the Freddies, in the fall of '06. Here's some links ta chew on:
Cheers, and good luck!
TempleDog out.
AWN is launching a new video portal for animated films. Not only is it great for exposure, but filmmakers will get to participate in revenue-sharing.
The license agreement is non-exclusive, so you can still show or sell your film wherever else you like.
Please feel free to spread the good word.
AWN is kicking things up into high gear, I find that both exciting and a little bit scary. Knowing that your working is going to be seen by the whole world give me a little bit of stage fright, but I know all the people here at the forums are very extroverted. I have lost links to so many different web site, that having everyone put there best stuff here would be great.
thanks guys for the replies. templedog, i didn't realise 'waif' had been out for so long! stylistically, it's pretty evident why John K likes it! just thinking about all these sites set up to promote short films like frederator and the awn video portal - is there any way that these would lessen your chances of getting into a big-ish festival. i know some festivals are a bit upitty like 'we won't take your film if it's already debuted at another festival' or 'we can't take it if it has been shown in it's entirety on web or on t.v'. just a thought :D
things to consider are:
youtube - i had previously scoffed at this route but you would be amazed at how quickly your work gets around
tv - here in the uk we have a channel called propellertv which has 10million viewer access across most of europe. if you are not in the uk i am sure you have similar....most euro countries do
myspace - again, dont underestimate the reach of this medium
magazines - there are tons of magazines which specialise in art and it is worth contacting them with some samples and seeing if they would like to run a feature...it is a huge misconception that magazines are swamped with content. they quite often have to go out and source content so they would welcome submissions
festivals are the best way though...even better if you can get to them in person
for more movies and downloads
the fastest polygon in the west!
Greg, where is the link to the portal?
The AWN video portal itself will be unveiled at a slightly later date.
Right now, we are continuing to build up a library of content.
"Stay tooned," as they say.