Best Format for TV Animation

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Best Format for TV Animation

From my animation programme I can export as: Anmitated GIF, AVI, GIF, JPEG, JPG, Kodak Flash Pix, PaintBrush, TIFF, Truevision TARGA format, Windows Bitmap, and Windows Metafile.

I can then import them into Ulead10 where I can then export them as PAL (DV, DVD, VCD, SVCD, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG2 HD). These come in various sizes and I’ve ignored the WMV formats. On the “custom” side, there’s: Microsoft AVI files(.avi), AutoDesk Animation files (.flc & .fli), AutoDesk 16-bit Animation Files (.flx), QuickTime Movie Files (.mov & .qt), Mpeg-4, RealNetworks RealVideo Files (.rm).

I’ve googled until I’m blue in the face, and still no wiser. I’ve tried various combinations and had mixed results. The best I’ve found is TIFF then PAL DVD, but I haven’t done the lot. Any ideas?

Thanks for taking the time to reply. You’re right it’s a mess, and I do know all the formats. *Sigh* I suppose I’m going to have to make a table showing the combination of each, how sharp it turns out, the end file size and where it’s playable.

Well, you have to know whats the format used in the channel... or if you want to see it with your dvd, you have to check if is gonna be pal or ntsc....
For example: if you want to see your animation in a dvd. Lets assume a PAL DVD . We'll have: 720x576 resolution and an aspect ratio of 4:3 (or 16:9). Your first output can be a TGA, TIFF or PNG format (uncompressed formats), then you can do the composition, etc, and when you finish your edition you can use a DV-AVI format (can be microsoft, canopus or qtime). When you have the AVI ready, you have to compress it to a mpeg2 format (or you can try to do a mpeg directly without doing the dv-avi), the mpeg2 format can be a .m2v and .wav files. With these files you can do a DVD with DVD Architect or some soft like that one. Or you can do the VOBs files directly from the AVI or Mpeg...

I hope that you can understand me, :)... it's a really big mess this formats, :)), and its a really big mess my english, :D
