It's been a while since we have done this...I thought folks might want to share with the community what they have been doing in animation as of late.
web site
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web site
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I'm freelance storyboarding on a long-running kid's that used model work, but has now converted to CGI.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
Still in my RL job that pays the bills, still working on my animation and still dreaming.
ive been animating and trying to get better at it :cool:
still my fav thing to do <-- my site <-- my passion <-- my blog
I continue to freelance key posing and animating for a number of new shows, one I was a part of earlier had a talking dog in it and the one I am about to conclude had a cat!
I'm currently working on my short film. I'm having a story meeting with my little team tomorrow.
Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!
Graduated Uni and is looking for freelanced work in either traditional animation/ flash animation or 3d modeling. I am also working on my own animation too.
William Wright, its you! the hero of KVATCH!
Forcing myself to finish this movie, Paprika. Oh, and practicing drawing.
Static/print graphic corporate identity packages. Pays is better. Lost my focus on animation. Began to feel I was out of my league, and I probably was with you industry types. Maybe sometime in the future I'll try again to put art into movement. It was fun and learned a lot hanging out here. I'll drop in from time to time.
Or maybe it's movement in art. I just lost my swing. Maybe I'll find it again.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Thinking about taking up "animation voice acting", had to withdraw from actual animation recently. Also might take some production courses alongside my acting courses.
Animation writer who loves...Animation!
Doing the whole school thing and trying to finish my student film. Phew...
1st year at calarts, one month in hoping to make it all happen!
________________________________Perpetual Motion________________________________
Just finished up VFX work on my third Marvel animated feature.
Company website
My Animation Blogspot Site
Still working as a 2D game animator in Lisbon and doing some storyboards for TV shows. But the hurge for good old animation is growing stronger. Hope to get my own short in motion, very soon. The blog it's not updated yet
Best regards
Splitting my time between finishing an animated museum display for the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art and doing pre-production for a short paint-on-glass animation that I'll be starting after the MET project is delivered.
Have a client that wants four commercials, with production starting in January, so need to get the plate cleared off (and a personal project done) before the new year! :)
Got my masters last September. Most of my time has been spent as a part time PA in several departments. Now I'm a full time PA working on my second feature.
Over the summer I did BG/Layout for an animated series using Maya and Flash. (20 episodes)
Freelance - working with a 10 yo boy interested in Lego animation. Words can not describe how much fun this is.
Personal project - hope to do a little family Christmas/St. Nicholas thing.
Started weekly figure drawing workshop. Will update my sketch/gallery folder if I can find it.
i mainly work freelance making videos and animation for theatre shows!
I never thought i would be doing this...getting into theatre was kind of accidental, through a friend...but i really like it!